Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Last night love

The truth is I stopped talking to you not because I don't ever like you anymore but I just give you more space and time to change. Pretty change to become the new one and the new for me. And now I know it was hard for you to change,maybe you feel better in the old you or maybe you feel pretty great to just be like that way. So,I accept that and come to the reality that we are never ever getting back together.

I wish I could erase all those memories from my mind 

I keep myself busy with things to do and keep myself strong without you. I can't lie but sometimes,i miss you. But I will not make the same mistakes that you did because you knew I love you and you broke my heart anyway. Now,I tell people that I hate you even I know I could never hate you but I want to.I wanted you to chase and fight for me but you just stay there without doing anything. So,i'll make a move because you just a chapter in the past and please don't ever come again cause I don't to play this game anymore.Just go.

Don't lie and be mature dude and you will find your dream girl out there.
Just do that because you just perfect but you will be much perfect without that kind of attitude. Believed me. And now my heart finally said "enough is enough" :) Move on and stay strong. And please stop talking about the new guy in my life because I don't have any. I won't give my heart to the wrong guy again because I got my lesson from loving you.
Take care and goodbye. I miss you,Kuala Lumpur :)


Friday, May 17, 2013

25 January 2013

Blog dah berhabuk. Tolonglah mood rajin nak update datang selalu,barulah best siap tak berhabuk lagi blog kita. Entry ni sepatutnya dah lama tapi sebab malas yarabbanna nak taip so terbiar je dekat 2 3 4 bulan sudah. Ohh,sedih. Awal semester lepas,time cuti midsem kita sesenyap balik rumah cik Ija sebab dah lama gila tak dating dengan dia. And luckly time tu dia pun ade dekat rumah so,bersantailah 2 3 hari dekat rumah Ija. Seriously rinduu gilos nak lepak lepak dekat rumah dia macam time dajah 1 2 dulu.  Memang bukan duduk sesaje lah kann,wajiblah berjalan jalan sakan jugak kann. Ijah ambik kita dekat bus stop depan The Store and after that terus pecut pergi Tesco beli barang masak memasak. Time ni,cik Ija bukan main rajin nak masakkan kita sphageti. Okay,memang sedap plus meatball dia memang sedap gila.Nampak tak dekat sini Ijah dah cukup complete nak jadi surirumahtangga kann. Untunglah cik future suami Ijah. Hewhewhew

Lunch with her will make me forever happy <3

And esok pulak,kita start berjimba seharian dengan Ijah. Macam macam plan dalam kepala,nak pergi sini,sana,situ tapi last last Aeon Manjung jugak yang diterjah. Window shopping haruslah tapi masuk je Daiso dah takjadi window shopping weh. Semua benda rasa nak terkam. Rasa semua cecomel serious tak tipuu. Sumpah woi. And berkenankan beberapa barang,kita dengan Ijah siap share lagi tau. Comel kann ? Hihhihi.

Fitting room adalah tempat yang forever sesuai untuk dapatkan pose pose yang menarik daripada model model yang tak bertauliah. Mohon faham. Time ni,nak posing segala maut pun boleh sebab takde orang perasan pun. Huihuihui. Lama gila menapak dalam tu bukan sebab try test cuba baju pun. Sengaje aku mensibukkan diri nak pose dekat dalam ni padahal Ijah tengah sibuk memilih sesuai kurung moden yang dia nak beli. Haha. Sengaje ni sengaje :P

Teluk Batik,Perak

Macam biasa Ijah memang suka sangat laut kan so after berjam jam dekat Aeon teruslah kitorang bertapak dekat Teluk Batik acah acah couple yang paling sweet duduk sambil tudung terbang terbang dek angin tepi laut. Fuhh,memang santai sangat taktipu :) 
Sushi dengan meatball jelah yang sempat kitorang melantak petang tu sesambil makan menikmati angin tepian laut and yes Ija ade jugak beli Auntie Anne and bolehlah tahan sedap dia sampai melekat lekat coklat dekat tepian bibir. Hehehe

Wajiblah posing ala retis gituu :P

Tolonglah berhenti makan. Tolonglah tolong XD

Memang takkan terjadi cerita dia. Kat mane mane menapak pun wajib nak makan. Memang sepatutnyalah berat tak turun tapi tambah lagi adelah. Hahaha. Dalam surau Aeon gila sumpah serious sejuk taktipu. Wajiblah posing dulu before balik memandangkan takde jemaah yang selain daripada kitorang kat situ. Almaklum,weekdays kann :)

 Suci sesuci bayi baru lahir sangat. Ok tipu !

And after seharian suntuk bersama sama berjimba dengan cik Ijah then kita balik rumah pulak. Penat serious tapi happy sangat beberapa hari dengan Ijah. Moment yang paling best,makan ice cream atas katil sesama sesambil layan cerita seram pahtu terus tertidur. Seriously takkan dilupakan. Almost 21 dah and persahabatan kitorang dah pun dekat 14tahun and we stay happy together. Love you dear bestfriend. xoxo

Yes,she's my bestfriend. My forever bestfriends <3